
1.0 Notification Front Page

2.0 How to Report?

3.0 Notification Form

3.1 Report with Name

3.2 Report Anonymously

3.3 Oral Reporting

3.4 Upload Document

3.5 Selecting the Recipient of the Case

3.6 Receipt for Submitted Case

3.6.1 Report with Name

3.6.2 For Anonymous Reporting

4.0 Your Dashboard

4.1 For Anonymous Reporting

1.0 Notification Front Page

The notification front page contains information about what notifications are, the company’s ethical guidelines, and reporting procedures.

In the top right corner, you can select the language in which you wish to receive notifications (the available language options depend on the languages made available by your organization).

2.0 How to Report?

There are two options for submitting a notification, either with your name or anonymously. (As long as your organization has enabled anonymous reporting in the portal)

3.0 Notification Form

3.1 Report with Name

Here, you need to provide contact information such as name, email, and mobile number. The form also includes various questions. It’s recommended to fill out as much information as possible as it helps the case handler to process the report more effectively. Only fields marked with (*) are mandatory.

Once you have completed the form, click on “Submit.”

3.2 Report Anonymously

3.3 Oral Reporting

It is possible to report orally by recording audio.

Please click on the green line that says “Click here to use the microphone”. You will then have the opportunity to record your report as an audio message using the microphone.

Please note the following: Your voice will be encrypted but not anonymized or distorted, which means that the case handler will be able to listen to it in its original form.

3.4 Upload Document

If you have any files you wish to attach, you can upload them. Click on “Choose File” and select the desired files. The file will be added to the notification form you submit.

3.5 Selecting the Recipient of the Case

When you submit a case, it will be sent to the individual(s) registered as administrators in the portal. The administrator can choose to handle the case themselves or assign it to a responsible case handler.

You have the option to directly assign the case to a specific case handler without the administrator accessing it (this option is available only if the administrator has made it available).

You can choose to send the case directly to someone registered as a case handler in the portal.

3.6 Receipt for Submitted Case

3.6.1 Report with Name

Once you have submitted a case, you will receive a receipt containing your username and password. You can then log into the portal to view your case and communicate with the case handler.

If you reported with your name, you will receive an email with the password information.

3.6.2 For Anonymous Reporting

If you reported anonymously, you will see the username and password directly in the browser.

If you prefer, you can have your username and password sent to you via email by clicking on “Send me an email” and providing the email address to which you would like the receipt to be sent.

If you reported anonymously, there are no options for retrieving your username or password if you lose them. It is important to keep track of your login information.

If you happen to lose your username and password, you can submit a new case and reference your previous case.

4.0 Your Dashboard

When you log into the portal, you can view the case you have submitted. On the left side, there is a dialogue feature where you can communicate with the case handler. If the case handler sends a message through the portal, you will receive an email notification about it.t.

4.1 For Anonymous Reporting

If you have reported anonymously, you will not receive an email notification if the case handler sends a message through the portal. You will need to log into the system to check if there is a new message.